>American Hunchback Books Are Here!

>?Yes, they've arrived. Blue and bold and ready to take on the world. Just the first two copies are here--extra bonus Random House sent me the library binding. I like library bindings. They're so sure of themselves. Sturdy, too. Now to wait by the door for the rest of my author copies. I'll set them up like dominoes. Or I'll re-enact the final battle in the Lord of the Rings using the American and the Canadian versions. Hmmm, which one is Frodo? And was it clever of me to name my character Modo? It rhymes with Frodo, that must be clever.

Modo lives!


>The Hunchback Website is alive!

>Okay, put on your goggles. Strap down your top hat. Pick up your extra terrestrial walking stick. The Hunchback Assignments Website is officially live. Travel back to Victorian times. Read on a steam powered iPod! Discover Odd Victorian facts. It's all there.
It was designed by Derek Mah with input from myself (Derek designed my arthurslade.com website and more of his work is available at attoboy.com).
Blue website
One of the problems we had to solve was that there are two different covers--one for Canada and Australia and the other for The United States. So there's a little button on the upper right that you can click and it will change the background. That's right, the visitors to the site pick which cover they want in the background. It's democracy in action.
Brass website
Cookies will keep it blue until you change it. This was how we solved the problem of having different covers.

On the "Play" page you'll find various videos and audio. I'm especially pleased with the "radio" plays at the bottom left. They feature voices of a variety of actors who brought the story to life.

The "Steamtrunk" page is where all the extra goodies go on the site. Right now it features The Hunchback Half Hour contest for teachers, the Facebook fan page, and Victorian factoids. Look for Victorian swear words in the future. Wouldn't you love to swear along with Dickens?

All in all I'm pumped about the website,


>The Hunchback Books Arrive

>boxLo and behold the day has finally arrived. Mr. Fed Ex pulled up and lugged a box of books into my house. The excitement was palpable. It was like Christmas and Halloween in August. Gosh, what could my publisher have sent me? My author's copies of my latest book? Could it be? With a snicker snack the tape on the box was cut and voila (that's French for "Woo hoo")--the contents were revealed.box Yes, 20 little copies of the Canadian version of The Hunchback Assignments all in paper over board, just like I was told they would be. They looked so orderly, so neat, so tidy, so ready to leap out at the world. This is my fourteenth book to be published and it's still just as much fun to open the box and peruse through the books. I was especially impressed by their spines. Look, a floating evil head on the spine. If that won't sell books, I'll eat my top hat!


Now to put them on my shelves and to send them off to the people I owe copies to. Oh, and to sit back and wait for the American version to arrive...
